Split: Class Divides Uncovered - Ben Tippet

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How can we make sense of a world where we have both too many billionaires and too many foodbanks? We're supposed to go to university, forge a career, get wealthier, buy a house - but why is that so hard for most of us to achieve? Split makes sense of our world by looking at class society - delving into the deep-rooted economic inequalities that shape our lives. From the gig economy, rising debt and the housing crisis that affects the majority of people, to the world of tax havens and unfair inheritance that affect the few... Now is the time to fight back against the 1%.

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The Shape Of Sound - Fiona Murphy
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The Dyslexia, ADHD, and DCD-Friendly Study Skills Guide Tips and Strategies for Exam Success - Ann-Marie McNicholas
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Scapegoat: Why We Are Failing Disabled People - Katherine Quarmby
We Need to Talk About Money - Otegha Uwagba
The War on Disabled People: Capitalism, Welfare and the Making of a Human Catastrophe - Ellen Clifford